Introduction to Tax Strategy
This document sets out the tax strategy for Pertemps Network Group Ltd (“Pertemps) and subsidiaries. It is set by the Group Finance Director and Head of Tax and they will jointly monitor the effectiveness and review the implementation of this policy.
The tax strategy is primarily of relevance to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee and all members of the UK Group Tax Department. It is also of relevance to all finance, legal and operational personnel at Pertemps whose decisions have tax consequences.
The approach to managing our tax affairs, as set out in this Tax Strategy document, is approved by Stephen Mogano, Group Finance Director.
Specific HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) requirements for a published tax strategy
The Finance Act 2016 requires the published tax strategy of a business to cover four specific requirements:
Pertemps considers the above requirements are all considered and addressed in this document, and the Tax Strategy applies to the Group and is published in accordance with paragraph 16(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016.
The Tax Strategy is reviewed in accordance with the Act and this version is for the financial year ending 31 March 2025. The Tax Strategy is reviewed annually.
Our approach to tax risk management and governance arrangements in relation to UK taxation
Given both the size and scale of the Pertemps group of accompanies, risks will inevitably arise from time to time.
The Attitude of the Group Towards Tax Planning Relating to UK Taxation
Pertemps will utilise tax incentives or opportunities for obtaining tax efficiencies where these:
The Group recognises there are occasions where more than one tax outcome could arise in commercially motivated transactions. We will not however wilfully engage in tax schemes or structure transactions in such a way that we believe are artificial and/or contrary to the spirit and the clear intentions of the tax legislation concerned.
The Level of Risk in Relation to UK Taxation that the Group is Prepared to Accept
Pertemps does not have any appetite for breaching tax laws or allowing customers or its supply chain to use its services to evade tax.
The acceptable nature of tax risk we are prepared to take is inextricably linked to the level of business risk we are prepared to take, which in itself is aligned to Pertemps’ commercial, reputational and business practices.
In this regard, various factors will always be considered including, but not limited to, the financial impact, the impact on corporate reputation / brand and the impact on relationships with external stakeholders.
The Group also understands the reliance it places on the Group’s Tax Department to ensure appropriate tax risks are managed.
The Approach of the Group Towards its Dealings with HMRC
Pertemps seeks to maintain an open and transparent relationship with HMRC and other tax authorities (where applicable) by:
Mr Stephen Mogano
Group Finance Director / Senior Accounting Officer
7 March 2025